Silent Sunday


Of Holidays And Epics


  It was the last day of our holiday and we had just been smugly congratulating ourselves on how epic-free it had all been. Three mums let loose from their families for a week of climbing together, we had swapped responsibility for little ones for the simple responsibility of getting ourselves from crag to crag […]

A Christmas Tale

Yes, it really was a pile of dead sticks.

Christmas Eve eve. The wind howls around the house, rattling the doors and windows and whistling like an enraged banshee. Outside, unidentified objects clatter about and crashes come at irregular intervals. I have never heard anything quite like it. I lie rigid and sleepless in bed, my head full of the weather reports and the […]

Silent Sunday


Silent Sunday


Sierra del Sueve

It’s Spain, it’s June but somebody forgot to tell the weather. We’ve had a decidedly dodgy start to spring and summer – average temperatures in May were 3 degrees colder than in the last three decades and average rainfall was up by 50 litres per square metre! As a result my garden is in a […]

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Comic Relief in Ghana

This year Comic Relief celebrates 25 years. In the run up to the main event bloggers Penny, Annie and Tanya are currently visiting Ghana in the company of Davina McCall and Jonathan Ross, visiting four different projects to see the difference Red Nose Day money has been making. Today I received a digital postcard from them, […]

Reflections on New Year’s Day

It’s been a lovely Christmas holiday here in Asturias. The sun has shone and shone and we have climbed and climbed. Today is cooler and wet – a good day to catch up on a little writing and reflecting in front of the wood burner. As I type my body is aching from this unaccustomed […]