As anyone who has read ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ will know, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is, of course

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

As of yesterday, it’s also my answer to the question: ‘How old are you?’ (Hence the cake.)

I’m sorry to report, however, that I received no revelatory insights on the occasion of my 42nd birthday. Or at least if I did I must have promptly and absolutely forgotten them. (It’s a possibility, there was some celebratory gin consumed.)

I did have a very lovely day though. Which has got to be almost as good as unraveling the mysteries of the universe, right? An afternoon spent with good friends, eating good food, sharing good conversation and with a gang of children running about entertaining themselves. Flung together at the last minute, it really was one of the most relaxed and enjoyable birthday celebrations I think I’ve ever had.

Maybe this getting old thing isn’t too bad after all.




  1. Happy (belated) Birthday! Take it from someone who is (marginally) ahead of you in years – the best is yet to come!

  2. One of my best friends turned 42 on Saturday and said it’s a great age! Happy birthday – hope you had a fantastic day and here’s to a brilliant year. x

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! I am 42 – 42 rocks – I am really enjoying this year! XXX

  4. Belated happy birthday. Wishing you more happy years ahead coupled with good health, peace of mind and contentment. ;-)

  5. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great birthday!

  6. 42 is not old! Hope you had a truly fabulous day! :)

  7. Congratulations, though I was away and couldn’t do it on time, I would like to say that you look wonderful and you’re as active as I want to be as I get more mature :)

  8. Woah!! After meeting you at Brit Mums I can safely say you do not look 42! Happy (belated) Birthday! xx

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