Back in the Water

It’s been a stressful couple of months here at Casa Asturian Diary. No time to climb, no time to surf, no time to blog. And I’ve resorted to some time-honoured stress management techniques: eating too much junk, drinking too much wine, and generally not getting enough exercise. (Better coping strategies are available. See: long walks, long talks with good friends, yoga, breathing techniques, running….)

But, as the old saying goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And now I’m back and raring to go. Kind of.

This morning we headed down to the beach first thing for an early morning surf. The sun was shining, the sea was empty and the swell was just swell. I suited up and splashed into the water with a grin as wide as the horizon plastered to my face.

How lucky are we to live near the beautiful Rodiles beach? Deserted on a sunny Sunday morning...

How lucky are we to live near the beautiful Rodiles beach? Deserted on a sunny Sunday morning…

Within approximately five minutes I was exhausted. My arms wouldn’t work, my lungs felt like they were collapsing. Flipping heck, I’d forgotten how much hard work this could be. Turns out two months of sofa dwelling and consumption of crap can severely damage your fitness and strength levels. I know. Stop press.

So now it’s time to get back on board and back in the flow of things. Starting with more regular exercise, more regular blog updates (no groaning please!), and less regular consumption of crap. Simples! :-)

Here’s hoping your summer is shaping up to be a good one, wherever you may be.




  1. So lovely to hear from you… I do hope all is well, it sounds like it’s been a bit of a rough time of things. Missed you at BML. Saw the lady that was eating those sweets really loudly and it made me think of you xxx

    • Oh thanks for your lovely comment Emma. Was so gutted to miss BML but at least now you have made me chuckle about it! Hope you enjoyed it and hope to see you at the next one x

  2. So great to be reading again (just as I am about to take two month blogging break over the summer – Ha!). Sorry to hear you’ve been having a stressful time but glad to read that you are ‘back in the room again!’. Bet that morning surf was wonderful. It won’t be long until you are back to your fitness levels again. X

    • So lovely to hear from you. Enjoy your blogging break. I think that´s a great idea over the summer. I just seem to have had an inadvertent one pre-summer. Hmmm… I look forward to catching up with you and your beautiful writing in the autumn xxx

  3. Yes, it is so easy to slow down and become weakened. Little and often as my Gran used to say. Hope you are OK and enjoying Summer.

    • Thanks for your lovely comment Ian. All is well here, thanks and the summer is turning out fabulously. Hope you guys are keeping well and not too busy! x


  1. Roca Verde says:

    […] still feel like I owe you an explanation for my lengthy absence from these pages. So, finally, here it is. *Points […]

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