
Rodiles, summer 2014

I’ve been largely absent from this blog for quite some time, happily wrapped up in family life over the lengthy summer holidays, so it seems appropriate that this week’s Gallery theme of ‘Family’ should be the jumping off point to draw me back into the blogging fold. This summer was the first time that my […]

Silent Sunday


The Outdoor Life is the Life for Us

Hanging out in the garden with friends. ThereĀ“s no better place to be.

We’ve just had a four day weekend here in Spain. I’ll be honest, I was slightly dreading it as I was going to be on my own with my four year old son for the whole time. That makes me sound terrible, doesn’t it? Possibly accurately. But really it was just a sense that 4×24 […]


The blowholes at Pria, Llanes on a particularly stormy winter's day

As of last week we find ourselves in the grip of winter. The temperatures have plummeted, wild winds and rain intermittently lash the landscape and the sky seems permanently set to a dead grey tone. The first snow has daubed the mountaintops in the distance. Our wood burner has been pressed into use and already […]

Silent Sunday


Natural Swimming Pools


Asturias ushered in autumn last week with temperatures reaching 34 degrees. Perfect for family visiting us post the high season crush (i.e. now we have accommodation going spare in our holiday rental) and perfect for playing hooky from school. (I know, a little bit naughty but when you’re only nearly 4 and school’s not even […]

Silent Sunday


Silent Sunday


Silent Sunday


Sierra del Sueve

It’s Spain, it’s June but somebody forgot to tell the weather. We’ve had a decidedly dodgy start to spring and summer – average temperatures in May were 3 degrees colder than in the last three decades and average rainfall was up by 50 litres per square metre! As a result my garden is in a […]