Comic Relief in Ghana

This year Comic Relief celebrates 25 years. In the run up to the main event bloggers Penny, Annie and Tanya are currently visiting Ghana in the company of Davina McCall and Jonathan Ross, visiting four different projects to see the difference Red Nose Day money has been making. Today I received a digital postcard from them, which I’m sharing with you here.


Dear Mary

Later we visit school in the Agbogbloshie slum district. Having walked through the winding and litter strewn paths of the slum, the ordered environment of the school comes as a surprise. I talk to Elizabeth who teaches a group of six year olds, in a large hall on the ground floor of the school alongside four other classes.

Elizabeth is enthusiastic about the prospect of teaching 40 children without a teaching assistant and with very limited resources. Here too we are greeted by song. ‘Did you like it?’ she asks. I give the children the thumbs up and they smile.

Love Penny
This is a digital postcard sent from TeamHonk (; during their travels with Comic Relief in Ghana celebrating #goodwork. 

For the past 25 years the money raised through Red Nose Day has been changing the lives of the poorest and most disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa. Let’s Keep Up the Good Work. Find out how at


For other digital postcards please do join up and check out the linky on



  1. Trish @ Mum's Gone To says:

    Isn’t it reassuring to know how much good has come out of Comic Relief over these last 25 years. So proud of #TeamHonk who have done so well sharing their experiences.

  2. Thanks so much for your support of #TeamHonk. It has been epic.

    Team Honk loves you!!!!

  3. Such a great cause… Lovely picture too! :)

  4. I’ve loved seeing all the digital postcard images – such a brilliant idea

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