
I took these photos on an early morning dog walk. It had rained the night before and the day had dawned damp and misty. The light was dull and the normally spectacular views were masked. My eye was drawn down and in to the hedgerows, which suddenly revealed themselves to be laced throughout with delicate spiders’ webs.

The gossamer webs glistened with raindrops caught and held; a natural magnifying glass facilitating a fine inspection of their intricacies. Soon the sun would emerge fully, the droplets would dry and the webs would retreat into hiding once again.

This post is for Week 108 of The Gallery: Delicate.

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  1. Such amazing creatures spiders. Gorgeous words too! :)

    • They really are amazing aren’t they? Apparently the relative strength of spiders’ webs is greater than that of steel! (According to Wikipedia, my source of much info!)

  2. Perfect subject matter for delicate. Lovely photo’s x.

  3. Amazing photos x

  4. Beautiful pictures.

  5. Oooh, yes nothing so delicate as a spidersweb!

  6. Gosh they look stunningly intricate and definitely delicate. Although they are strong enough to old spiders and trap flies. Amazing engineering!

  7. Amazing! I’m glad you posted the second picture because I wasn’t sure what the first one was to begin with, it looks so strange from that perspective.

  8. Beautiful – just beautiful x

  9. Have always loved these early morning gossamers!

  10. beautiful photos – am not a fan of spiders but webs and rain create something beautiful and you’ve captured that

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