
As of last week we find ourselves in the grip of winter. The temperatures have plummeted, wild winds and rain intermittently lash the landscape and the sky seems permanently set to a dead grey tone. The first snow has daubed the mountaintops in the distance. Our wood burner has been pressed into use and already I am warily eyeing our diminishing wood stack.

Come the cold, dark winter evenings (and days, given half a chance!) I like nothing more than curling up on the sofa in front of the fire. I eat more and I sleep more. I like to think that my hibernatory tendencies reflect a life lived in harmony with nature rather than innate laziness and (further proof?) I tend to get prickly about it if anyone says otherwise.

Just occasionally though, I dare to venture out even on the stormiest of days. It can be worth taking a break from battening down the hatches and recharging my batteries just to be awed by the sheer force and exhilarating beauty of nature when roused.

The blowholes at Pria, Llanes on a particularly stormy winter's day

The blowholes at Pria, Llanes on a particularly stormy winter’s day



This post is in response to the prompt at this week’s Gallery. Click the badge below to visit more gallery posts on the theme of nature

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery


  1. I can hear the fire and taste the hot chocolate.

  2. Love your description of hibernation. I am definitely using that as my reasoning behind not removing my slippers for the next 3 months :)

  3. We’re getting a bit of a taste in my side of the ocean too. Hopefully your wood will be sufficient.

  4. The picture is beautiful and your words possibly even more so.

  5. What an absolutely stunning photo. I can understand the need for hibernation, we still have blue skies (most days!) but the temperatures are plummeting and I can feel winter in the air. I’m not a fan of winter :)

  6. Same here, we’ve had a few snow flurries and I can feel myself slipping into hibernation mode! Thanks for the reminder about the wood pile, we’re getting low too! Spectacular pic btw :-)

  7. WOW!!! The stormy day photo is great, uuummmm, no it’s amazing, no it’s……. I can’t find the words to describe how good it is. You did a wonderful job>
    Boo Kitty Boo XXX

  8. Such a wonderful photo, I would hibernate a lot more if it wasn’t for the children dragging me out of the house kicking and screaming :-)

  9. What a beautiful post, I just love that photo too. I like the idea of hibernating. If I had my way I’d do it in a hot country :)

  10. Right there with you on the ‘in harmony with nature’ thing :-) Lovely post – stay warm x

  11. Beautiful writing – you make me want to hibernate too! There is something exhilarating about getting outdoors in the rain, cold and wind. But there’s nothing like the cosy satisfaction of snuggling up beside a real fire indoors afterwards. Love this post. x

  12. That’s a stunning picture, so powerful. I always want to go and see the ocean when a typhoon hits, I can imagine the power and might of the waves but I adhere to the warnings, the risks are just to high.

    Hibernation sounds great….oh that’s what I already do and we don’t have snow!!

  13. So beautiful. I too love this time of year, and the snow season is almost upon us. I just don’t like driving in it! :D

  14. The weather has become pretty pants over here of late…. cold. That photo is amazing – so, so dramatic. X

  15. It looks really dramatic. Sounds like its pretty bitter where you are although the snow capped mountains sound very pretty.

  16. I am a great hibernater xxx

  17. Off topic, but I thought you might enjoy this, Irish lady, it`s the Gaelic version of a recent hit:

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