Silent Sunday 01/04/2012


  1. kind of reminds me of that film set in venice with the creepy little woman in the red coat… which is n’t nice because that is a sweet little girl.

  2. swinging her arm as she walks aloong :)

  3. Really sweet photo!
    Also, cheekily, I lost a lot of my WP followers a few weeks ago as went self-hosted, so if I am missing from your feed that is why.

  4. Cool. This has a seventies feel about it.

  5. Love the red tights! What a sweet photograph.

  6. Proper little girl tights and cardi – love it.

  7. Very cute.

  8. imcountingufoz says:

    Aww what a sweet little girl. I love the red and white outfit :)

  9. An utterly perfect way to keep Palm Sunday! In the company of this little angel!

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