Silent Sunday 06/05/12


  1. Action shot :-)

  2. mad dog alert!
    gosh I wish I was on a beach today!

  3. bavariansojourn says:

    Brilliant movement, love the expression on his face as well! :)

    • I really must try and get some decent shots of him some day (with a good camera, not my phone!) – he’s very photogenic. And beautifully athletic…Just like his owner….(I wish!!)

  4. wow. i bet he can go fast!!

  5. Ah is he a whippet? We had a whippet cross and they have such gorgeous by loopy temperaments!

  6. Ha ha. Love this shot. How far are you from the beach?

  7. he looks to be having fun! Great shot

  8. Ooh great shot!

  9. Erica Price says:

    Looks like he’s moving at quite a pace.

  10. Lovely action shot :)

  11. Ah beach sand, proper beach sand. We went to the beach today, it was supposed to be a sandy one, trust me it wasn’t the same!

  12. Great action shot! love the clouds in the background too

  13. Now that is one happy dog on the beach, lovely photo.

  14. How wonderful to see a greyhound running free like this,instead of on a dogtrack and being bet upon! Something very spiritual about this image!

    • He’s definitely in his element here. He was born to run and there is nowhere better for it than an empty beach (no obstructions for the short-sighted racer!)

  15. Now I see the picture! I love nothing better than walking on an empty beach, taking in the sea air and watching the waves as they break on the shoreline. The greyhound looks like he/she is certainly having fun!

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