Silent Sunday 15/07/2012


  1. Aahh gorgeous.

  2. delicate colours

  3. Beautiful!

  4. lovely shot! (btw the link didn’t work from SS, it has localhost before your webaddress which i just needed to delete – just incase you wanted to re-submit…but could be my mac playing up!)

  5. Me, Myself and I says:


  6. gorgeous roses – pinned!

  7. Beautiful colours and composition… Haven’t got great internet access at the mo. but look forward to reading your greatest journey post when I have :)

  8. Beautiful x

  9. Very pretty – and so nice to see a flower without rain dripping off of it!

  10. Gorgeous! Makes me wistful for summer, from here in rainy England…

  11. very pretty, and in abit of sun too!

  12. Gorgeous. How did you get it so clear?

  13. Love the close up, captured the colour and detail so well. Thank you

  14. beautiful and sunshine! fantastic.

  15. gorgeous blossoms. Is it still spring? LOL

  16. Beautiful. Happy Sunday!

  17. These delicate pink and white petals are aiding my prayers of thanksgiving right now!

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