Silent Sunday



  1. What a gorgeous rainbow! Well spotted.

  2. Beautiful! No rainbow in sight these past few days where we are!

  3. Stunning, is it a double rainbow too? Even more gold!!

  4. wow, thats a fantastic rainbow!

  5. Well captured. Hope all well with you… is it spring yet?

    • Spring is coming and going. Very rainy at the minute :( Personally I think it’s the curse of Semana Santa. Hope you are well – I need to swing by yours and catch up. Have been offline for the longest while.

  6. Ahh double rainbows are like a bonus!

  7. ahh a lovely rainbow, I wish the snow would pass so we can perhaps spot some here!

  8. Lovely bright double rainbow – good capture.

  9. *somewhere over the double rainbow!*

  10. Great pic! Why don’t I every have my camera handy when I see rainbows?!

    • I know, I never normally do either. I just stepped out of my back door on Saturday afternoon and there the rainbow was, so all I had to do was dash back inside for the camera!

  11. A double rainbow – much better than snow this Spring.

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