Silent Sunday



  1. Love those lanterns, very beautiful

  2. Great photo. Really like the capture – am wondering, what why.

  3. Very atmospheric. Love the little lanterns!

  4. That looks absolutely gorgeous; what was going on at the time?

  5. Gorgeous shot. I love the quality of the light. I notice the clouds in the background. Did it stay dry for you? Happy Easter from the South xxx

    • Amazingly enough it did actually stay dry. It was already a bit muddy as we’ve had a lot of rain this week. And today the sun is back! Yay! Happy Easter to you too xx

  6. Beautiful image – party time? Lanterns are lovely.

  7. thats a really beautiful picture x

  8. He’s in a t-shirt! Was he not cold or has Spring definitely sprung for you over there? I love this photo for the fun and promise of balmy eveings for the next few months. The lanterns really add to it.

  9. Al fresco entertainment lovely

  10. Very soulful and atmospheric. Reminds me of Renoir…!

  11. baggiesbabe69 says:

    The view looks amazing from there.

  12. That’s a lovely shot – the light makes it look almost looks other wordly – love the lanterns!

  13. Great setting, I do love lanterns in the garden. I’m sure you all had a fab time.

  14. Love this, very atmospheric pic! I do love a good party! :)

  15. My idea of a perfect moment.

  16. The idea of a Silent Sunday is nice and charming!

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