Silent Sunday 22/04/12


  1. Is that a mobile shop?

  2. Great picture! Did you buy anything??

    • I’m ashamed to say I didn’t. I should really support them – it’s a great service for people like my neighbour who never leaves the village. And they do some great stuff – especially the meats and cheeses.

  3. Ooh now thats a scary dog

  4. fivegoblogging says:

    Tesco home delivery?

  5. What a fab idea! I want a mobile shop to come here.

  6. ohh what a great photo, I love looking through the silent sundays seeing different parts of the world and intresting photos.. love the mans hat!

    • Me too – I love a little peek into other people’s lives. And it’s nice to share my part of the world too. This is just a snap but it does give a flavour of what day-to-day village life is like here.

  7. That looks like a great idea. We could do with one of those!

  8. Helloitsgemma says:

    Does he sell cava?

  9. Hi, we nominated you for a Sunshine Blog Award. We really enjoy the blog. Thanks-

    • Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoy the blog. And it’s perfect timing for a little sunshine – we’ve just had a full week of rain here and I’ve had enough! I’ll pop by yours and find out more.

  10. Wonderfully patient dog–very handsome dog!

    • He is very handsome indeed – the neighbours describe him as noble and elegant, although he is less so after he’s stolen a hunk of meat from the kitchen!

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