Silent Sunday



  1. Stunning! Where is it?

    • Just along the coast from here, at Llanes. The limestone cliffs have lots of impressive blowholes there but when we went yesterday the sea wasn’t *quite* big enough for them all to be working. They’re still pretty amazing though – lots of booming and sea spray appearing everywhere you walk on the clifftop!

  2. Beautiful! What a quirky outcrop!

  3. Lovely shot!

  4. Wow. You can almost hear that! :)

  5. *sigh* love Llanes.

  6. Brilliant photo! x x x

  7. Wow! Great photo x

  8. Love it.

  9. Beautiful – I can imagine the sound of the water splashing against the rock too.

  10. Stunning capture.

  11. What a wonderful shot! I love to see the sea racing to shore.

  12. Great picture – love the spray from the sea

  13. Wow, what an awesome shot, I would love to see that in the flesh

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