Silent Sunday



  1. Yikes, how scary is that? My worst kind of nightmare. Was it stressful for you too watching/taking the photo?

  2. I am scared even looking at that!!

  3. Oh. My. Hat. That looks amazing, although a little scary!

  4. That is incredible and very brave. Where were you to get the shot?

  5. OH WOW!!! AMAZING!! My favourite #silentsunday this week by a long shot!!

  6. where the hell are you taking that photo from! are you clinging on for dear life too? not on your nelly, nope nope NO!

  7. WOAH! That is all kinds of scary (I’m terrified of heights)

  8. OMG …. s making me feel sick just looking at it! x

  9. Ohh my! Very brave indeed!

  10. Looks like a workout. I am not for heights.

  11. I’m getting dizzy just looking at it!

  12. Bloody hell – that is impressive… fantastic picture.

  13. eeek! hold on tight! xx

  14. Wow. Hats off. I could never, ever do anything like that!

  15. Look at that… Beautiful! Not very wintery though is it, YET?!? :D

  16. I thought it was a picture of a tree at first. Looking closer I’m now scared!

  17. Waaaaaaaaaaaa that looks scary!!

  18. laughing at these comments.

  19. OH MY GOD please tell me you did not personally take that photo? Were you hanging off a branch? Yikes!!!! xxx

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