Silent Sunday



  1. That is just beautiful, reminds me of the mists driving through the mountains near my parents too #SilentSunday

  2. What a fabulously ethereal inversion. Now there’s a sentence that I don’t utter every day. Happy Sunday x

  3. Oh wow! That is just beautiful!

  4. wow is that the view near you? Its beautiful!

  5. A beautiful view!

  6. Beautiful capture! I love the steam or fog coming off the river!
    I want to invite you to the new home of Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) at each week at midnight Tuesday, EST. And you’re welcome to share your blog button for your recurring link-up at the page devoted to Wordless linkups – just remember to use your main blog url rather than a link to an individual post.

  7. bavariansojourn says:

    Stunning! How is the new place coming along?? xx

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