Silent Sunday

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  1. This is so beautiful! Where is the picture taken ?

  2. Wow, golden edges, beautiful.

  3. Another gorgeous view!

  4. Kara Guppy says:

    Wow – that’s stunning!!

  5. Big wow from me!!!

  6. Lovely photo, the clouds look like they’re making a landscape all on their own!

  7. Gorgeous… You live in a very beautiful part of the world! :)

  8. Looks like it’s just starting to get dark. This is my favourite time of night :-) Lovely pic x

  9. what a beuatiful view, you are very lucky

  10. Beautiful!

  11. WOW beautiful sky

  12. what a beautiful view to have!

  13. Wow! What a beautiful picture :)

  14. That is stunning, you’ve caught the light beautiful.

  15. I like this “Silent Sunday” idea! Awesome photos. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  16. absolutely stunning – possibly my favourite Silent Sunday this week. Have pinned x

  17. gorgeous. will pin also.

  18. This is your back yard view? Very nice

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