Silent Sunday 20/05/2012





  1. bavariansojourn says:

    Are you in Scotland?!? :)

  2. is that mountain heather??!

    • You know, I’m not entirely sure what it is. Am developing a mild obsession with hedgerows and wild flowers, because they’re so plentiful round here….but am exposing my ignorance at the same time!

  3. We all seem to be suffering damp weather, lovely meadow flowers.

  4. This is a great shot! Awesome! =)

  5. How lovely !

  6. I love this angle – makes me feel like I’m a small creature on the ground

  7. singlemarriedmum says:

    It looks a bit like heather? – very pretty whatever it is, and really like the way it seems to be reaching into the sky.

  8. what a great photo love the angel :) x

  9. Lovely picture :-)

  10. Ooh lovely!

  11. Nice. Moody and not too jealous enhancing. Looks cold.

  12. Wow it is so lush! Not so green here anymore, although we had serious rain today and that is all it takes to transform the landscape. Lovely pic. I hope you had a good weekend. x

  13. Is that Heather? So beautiful!

  14. Pretty and moody all at once. Lovely x

  15. This truly looks like a little bit of heaven on earth! So perfect for quiet Sunday mediation time!

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