Snowshoeing at Puerto de Ventana

I did it! I have been promising myself for a few winters now that I would get out and sample the delights of snowshoeing and finally, this Monday, I got out there and did it. And reader, I loved it!

What’s not to love? Clear blue skies and sunshine; spectacular views from the top of Asturias and looking over into León; big, level, easy tracks for a beginner to follow, and no other people at all to bump into. (That literally having been my downfall in skiing.)

And all this just a half hour drive from home. We have already planned a return visit for tomorrow after school, so the 9 year old can get some action on his sledge. There’s a great, solid pack of snow so it should last a decent length of time despite the very sunny and warm conditions of this week. Even so, it makes me aware that it’s not going to stick around forever and I don’t want to repeat my mistake of years gone by and leave it too late.

We are still only in February so there may well be more snow to come in the high mountains this winter but who knows? Maybe not. All I know is that right now it’s pretty darned perfect up there.

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  1. suesharpe04 says:

    Lovely to see you blogging again! The views from up there must be spectacular!


  1. […] If you’re lucky enough to get the right conditions in winter you could even pull on your  snowshoes or cross-country skis out on the […]

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