Spanish Property North

Inspired to share the delights of Asturias and Northern Spain with other discerning overseas visitors and also to give them the benefit of our experience in buying property over here, my partner and I recently set up the website

On the site, we offer a selection of property for sale in Asturias in Northern Spain and our aim is to assist overseas buyers through the, sometimes complex, process of purchasing property abroad.  Having first-hand experience from the other side of the process is invaluable in helping us to understand how to make it all as easy and pleasant as possible for our clients.

Working with a selection of trusted estate agents and private property owners across the region, we are able to showcase a wide range of property, from cheap property for renovation to palatial mansions to commercial property for those looking to earn their living here.

We are also collaborating with owners of holiday rental properties as we have been struck by the scarcity of good holiday accommodation in the region being made available to English speakers.  There is, in fact, lots of great accommodation available, the trick has been finding it and booking it if you’re looking from abroad.   To this end, we are selecting holiday rentals that have appeal for the overseas holiday maker, advertising them on our site, and managing the booking process for them to ensure that its all straight-forward and hassle free for you, the holidaymaker.

Another aim of the site is to inform the visitor regarding this wonderful region and to ultimately provide a useful online resource for anyone planning a holiday or a move here.  Again, the number of good English-language resources providing clear information about the area is limited and we think we can provide a really useful addition to the material currently available online.

It’s going to be a big task – Asturias and the Costa Verde have so many attractions and there’s so much fascinating stuff to chronicle that I think it may in fact be a task without end!  But it’s proving to be a wonderful challenge and a great learning experience in itself.  Not to mention a great excuse to make sure we get out there and visit all that the region has to offer.

Equally, if anyone else has any suggestions of must-see places to visit or things to do etc I’d be really interested to hear from you.


  1. Interesting Read! Very detailed blog

  2. Asturias and the north of Spain have a lot to offer the tourist as well as the property investor.
    The unique Horeo´s visible everywhere should be mapped. they were a stop for us on every holiday.
    we particularly loved Vega

  3. I went to your site but could not get the properties to show when clicked on. Do you have links to the properties available so we can see larger pictures and more info?

    • Hi Ana, thanks for your comment and I´m sorry the site isn´t working properly for you. I´ll check it out and see if I can get it fixed but in the meantime if you´d like to let me know which properties you wanted to know more about and I´ll send you through some info and links to photos. You can email me at

      Once again, sorry for the inconvenience!

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