Thrills ‘n’ Spills and Hot Aches

Until today Jack had only ever seen snow either on the far-distant mountain tops or on Caillou (a Canadian kids cartoon that airs on Spanish tv.) Today the snow line was forecast to dip to 300m above sea level (we live at a little over 400 metres). And dip it did. We woke to this.


In retrospect it was just as well that the ferry we were planning on taking to Portsmouth today had been cancelled due to gales in the Bay of Biscay. It could have been a stressful drive to the ferry port, assuming we were able to exit the village in the first place. As it was, instead of rushing to Santander for 12.00pm we had plenty of time to indulge Jack’s wonder at the white stuff.

When we ventured outside there was some initial whingeing surprise at just how cold it was. That’s the crucial aspect that you miss when you’re just looking at snow, whether it be on the horizon, the silver screen or just through the window. Still, once friends from next door had been drafted in for a snowball fight the cold was forgotten about. At least until the hot aches kicked in. By then it was time to retreat, dry off and warm up in front of the fire.

By the time the hot aches had subsided more friends arrived – this time with sledges. They live just 5 kilometres down the road from us but a crucial 150 metres nearer sea level. No snow at all had settled there and so they headed up the hill to ours in search of some sledging action.


We’re going on a snow hunt….

And find it they did. There were thrills…..

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And spills…..

IMG_7206And finally, more hot aches. Which signalled time to retire indoors once more. By this stage the snow was rapidly melting anyway. Tomorrow the snow line is forecast to be at 500 metres. With a steep uphill walk we should be able to find some more sledgeable hillsides. And then on Wednesday, storms at sea permitting, we shall be on our way to the UK, where more snow may well await us.


  1. Reblogged this on John Looks Out On Life and commented:
    Fluffy white water
    Covers in a soft blanket
    Cool play ensues

  2. Glad to see you have had some fun in the snow. We had another 10cm on Sunday night/Monday morning in Hertfordshire and it hasn’t all melted yet. Safe journey to the UK x

    • Thank you! I’m really hoping the snow will be gone in the UK by the time we get there – or at least that the road’s will be ok for driving. It’s fun for sledging but not so much for getting around in! x

  3. Great fun! Good luck on your journey back to the UK. I hear they had a bit more overnight… We still have stacks of the stuff! :D

    • Thanks Emma. I’m very happy to just have a day or so of it. It is great fun and beautiful to look at but it’s a bind to get around in. And, like you, I’m not a huge fan of skiing (read: I think it’s the devil’s sport! I sport a metal plate in my arm after my last entanglement with it some years ago!!!)

  4. Love these photos – looks like you all had loads of fun! Sledging is the best (although our last sledging incident saw me get my backside stuck on a tea tray in a less than graceful manner).

  5. Oh lovely to have had snow in your neck of the woods – and you are so right about snow being deceptive – it looks so inviting from the warmth of the living room but is actually darn cold once you get outside!

  6. What great action shots! Looks like tonnes of fun. Hope you have a safe journey on Weds x

  7. Sledging is the most fun ever! Fab photos!

  8. We live in Singapore. My youngest has never seen snow. We’re going to Austria skiing in a couple of weeks, so it will be interesting to she what she makes of it.

  9. Not how I imagined winter in Spain!!

    • Ha! Yes, Asturias is quite different in many ways from the usual image of Spain. The snow wasn’t really typical for us though, to be honest, which was partly what made it such fun.

  10. Great photos, looks like so much fun!


  1. […] On the dance floor that very cool woman in Funky Wellies, singing along to all the lyrics and sharing her Oktoberfest-style moves. Funky Wellies and Random Thoughts, it’s the spirit of German Carnival. Being adopted by the locals, despite outfit and lyrical issues Dirndl and Lederhosen. A nice English cup of tea and some homemade cake always delights the Expats. If I can just interrupt those two discussing sledging to introduce you. Emma, usually found in Germany at Bavarian Sojourn Night Sledging Emma is all about the joys of spontaneous sledging and memories of night sledging. Whilst Northern Spain based Mary of Asturian Diary is chatting away about first time sledging and the wonder of snow for a boy whose not been up close and cold in the snow before Thrills ‘n’ Spills and Hot Aches. […]

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