Toddler Style

This week, Jack has been mainly channelling Olivia Newton John whilst working his ‘early 80s fitness fanatic’ look. Glasses: by Baby Banz; Hair: by Mum, Pout: Model’s own


  1. Love it! Those glasses are wonderful, they endure so much abuse and still look like new.

  2. What a little dolly!!! Love him!

  3. hahahah love it

  4. Ahh, this has brightened up my afternoon. Just catching up with your blog now after finding it via Kate Takes 5. You live in a great part of the world. I used to live in Catalunya. Looking forward to further posts.

    • Oh, so lovely to hear that – now you’ve brightened up my afternoon :) You know, I think I tried to comment on your blog a little while back but blogspot doesn’t seem to like me v much. I won’t let it deter me though – I’ll be back. Keen to find out more about your time in Catalunya too.

  5. looks so like a girl – I love it!

  6. Jack is super cool–and SO healthy and bright and huggable.

  7. ¡Que guapo!

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