And we’re back…..


Two years ago to the day I published a post entitled ‘Renovating Houses’.  It opened with a stark statement: ‘Somebody please shoot me if I threaten to buy another house that needs renovation’. And then I more-or-less disappeared from this blog.   Yup. We only went and did it again. It’s been a busy couple of years. Rebuilding […]

A bench in Asturias


    I walk past this bench most days. It sits on the side of the road, just above my house. Sometimes it has a collection of old folk on it passing the time of day and resting on their peregrinations. Other times, like today, it sits alone, dappled in sunlight, inviting rest and contemplation, […]

Asturian Property Guide

An understanding of the architectural, geographical, cultural and economic landscape of Asturias in Northern Spain are all really helpful in gaining an understanding of the present-day property market there.The classic, traditional Asturian house is constructed from stone and wood, with thick stone walls, timbered beams and floors and a wooden galleria or Asturian corridor (corridor.) […]