Gijon International Film Festival

Teatro Jovellanos

Teatro Jovellanos

Last Thursday 20th November saw the opening of the 46th Edition of the Gijon International Film Festival with the movie Choke. Based on the Chuck Palahnuik book of the same name the film is a perfect mix of intelligent drama and dark but laugh-out-loud comedy and provided a fitting kick-off to the proceedings.

The programme of this year’s festival, which closes next Saturday 29th, is wonderfully eclectic and filled to bursting. You can download full details from the official website at and daily screening information is published in the El Comercio newspaper.

Several cinemas and theatres across the city are hosting the event (including the beautiful Teatro Jovellanos) and local bars and clubs are the scene for the many shows and gigs that complement the serious cinematic programme.

A great opportunity to see some cutting-edge, version original cinema and also to put your questions to directors and cast in some of the post screening sessions.

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