The Importance of Pronouncing Your Rs

Say what now, Dad?

It was always going to be a difficult conversation. Sensitive negotiation would be vital. Careful preparation would have been nice but when he rang out of the blue on a Saturday afternoon he put R on the spot. Unsurprisingly, R fumbled the first contact. It took a moment to figure out who the Spanish speaking […]

Motivation for Slackers

I’ll be the first to admit that I can sometimes give up too easily. Like, if you were to say to me, ‘Mary, I think you give up too easily,’ I’d probably just sigh and agree with you rather than fighting my corner. I have journals crammed full of wonderful ideas, detailing the starts of […]

Spanish Language Learning Resources Online

Asturias isn’t known as the ‘real Spain’ for nothing.  If you’re planning a visit, or maybe even a move here, then you’d be well advised to brush up on your Spanish.  This is not the Costa del Sol where every waiter and shop assistant speaks excellent English.  On the other hand, it is an excellent […]